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Logo do Museu Índia Vanuíre

Lost and Found

The H. P. India Vanuíre Museum has a Lost and Found Sector. All items (objects and documents) found in the cultural equipment area and / or delivered to our team are cataloged and kept for a period of 90 days, during which time they are available for later return to the owners. After this period, and if the object has not been claimed, it will be donated to partner institutions.

If you missed an item during your visit, you can contact us by phone: (14) 3491-2333 or e-mail: contato@museuindiavanuire.org.br. The return will be made upon description of the date and probable location where it was lost, in addition to characteristics peculiar to the item. In the case of electronic equipment, we ask, preferably, that the purchase invoice be presented and, if impossible, evidence to prove your property.

For the return of any item, we request that the claimant present an identification document (RG or CPF) and sign a receipt.

régua de logos, com a logo da acam portinari, museu índia vanuíre, cultsp e governo do estado de são paulo

All rights reserved. © Museum Índia Vanuíre 2020.